Class Statuses

19 Червня, 2018Karol Wojtyła

SchoolMate assumes that all lessons are taught as planned. Class statuses let you mark a lesson to show if there is anything different about it. You do not need to make changes for lessons which are taught as planned.

Go to School Admin – Settings – Class Statuses.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Put in the name.
  3. Select a function. The possible functions are:
    1. Empty– this is the default, this function will not make changes to the system.
    2. Cover– if this is selected then, a card will appear from where you can choose a replacement teacher for the lesson.
    3. Lesson cancelled – if this is chosen, you will be asked if you want to replace the cancelled lesson to match the total number of lessons for the group.  The group end date will change.
    4. Lesson took place – this will include the lesson in the teacher’s pay settlement.
    5. Day off – a lesson with this status will not be included in the student’s and teacher’s settlement, this status will result in a message asking whether to re-generate the classes to add another lesson (to match the total number of lessons). The group end date will change.
    6. Skip date – a lesson with this status will not be included in the student’s and teacher’s reckoning, you will need to re-generate the classes to add a new lesson. The group end date will change. The lesson will not appear in the classes list.
  4. Enter the percentage the student will pay of the fee for the lesson and the percentage of the regular payment the teacher will receive for the lesson. In case of the student, the percentage of the fee is taken into consideration when it is paid hourly or hourly in advance.
  5. Click Save.

class statusesWhere are Class Statuses entered?

  1. Go to the lessons card in groups.
  2. Find the lesson and click on the V.
  3. Select the lesson status you want to apply.

changing a lesson status

In the Reports Module there is a report – “No. 12 Groups – lesson statuses” where you can see, filter and export all your changed lesson statuses.

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