
19 Жовтня, 2018Karol Wojtyła

When you create a company, you must decide what method of calculation for lessons will be used. “Default type of settlement” to specifies whether the company will be billed for all classes or hourly. There is an explanation on company settlement and payment types here.

Company payments

What appears on the Company – Payment Card depends on the settlement method chosen. You can see in the hourly payment method that the company is charged for the exact number of lessons they have had in a particular period. In the settlement for all classes there are no lessons shown; the company is charged an amount regardless of when the lessons take place.

Hourly Payment:

This is typically used to charge a company in arrears for the actual lessons that have taken place within a certain period.

  1. Create a settlement for a particular period – See 3 – and then add transactions etc.,
  2. Balance the company owes.
  3. The period to be examined in 4 or settled in 1.
  4. Edit a particular group.
  5. Filter past settlements.
  6. Click for details, edit and delete.

Hourly payment

Settlement for All Classes:

This is typically used to charge a company in advance – or installments – for lessons regardless of when the lessons take place.

  1. Create a settlement for a particular group and then add transactions etc.,
  2. Balance the company owes.
  3. Filter past settlements.
  4. Click for details, edit and delete.

For all classes

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