Student settlement – An Overview

27 Грудня, 2018Karol Wojtyła

Assigning a Settlement Type:

When you create a group you must select a settlement type to apply by default to all students:

default settlement type

Settlement Types:

You can choose from 3 settlement types:

  • For all classes – often used for public groups and can be combined with a payment scheme.
  • Hourly – this charges in arrears and is often used in Company Settlements.
  • Hourly in advance – often used for private individual classes.

Changing the assigned settlement type of a the student:

As mentioned above there is a default settlement type that applied to all students in the group. This can easily be changed for individual students.

Go to the Student’s card – Payments TabClick Settings.

settlement settings

A card with the current settlement type of the student will appear:

  1. Select the new settlement type.
  2. In case of hourly and hourly in advance billing, it is necessary to define the price calculation base and rate.
  3. Click Save & Close.

Edit Settlement Type of Student

The student’s settlement type has now changed:

Changed Settlement Type

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